Apartment Lavendel ***

2-room holiday apartment with balcony for 2-5 persons

This apartment has a bedroom, a living-dining room with fully equipped kitchenette, shower / WC and a covered balcony. The bedroom has a double bed and is approx. 10sqm in size. The sofa in the living area can be converted into an additional bed.

In addition, an attic room can be used, which offers space for two to three more people. It is not integrated into the apartment, but is easily accessible via the staircase. This apartment is therefore particularly popular with families with teenagers.

The bathroom is approx. 3.7 m² and is equipped with a basic set of hand and shower towels.

The approx. 5 m² balcony with a view to the north-west is furnished with sun loungers, table and seating.

from 65,00 €

per apartment / night

Booking request Price overview

Ferienwohnungen Schreinerhäusle | Familie Greber | Steinbachtal 12 - 79274 St. Märgen
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